Carter-Ruck has been recommended for its International Arbitration practice by one of the leading legal directories, Legal 500.
Legal 500 comments ‘The geographical distribution of Carter-Ruck’s cases has expanded to include eastern Europe, the CIS, the Middle East, South Asia and Latin America, and the practice acts in both investment treaty and commercial arbitrations.’
Legal 500 sources report ‘The firm is a high-quality outfit, expertly led from the top in an understated way by Cameron Doley’ and that ‘the [Commercial Litigation team] combine great legal skills with good commercial common sense’. They also highlight that ‘Alasdair Pepper is approachable yet assertive’. Clients and peers also comment ‘the entire team is a pleasure to work with and willing to listen to the views of others’.
Senior partner Cameron Doley leads the team, which also includes Alasdair Pepper.