Kate McCann has received a full apology from The News of the World following the newspaper’s unauthorised publication of extracts from her diary. The News of the World has also agreed to make a financial donation, to be used by the McCanns in the search for their daughter Madeleine.
At Mrs McCann’s request, Carter-Ruck has issued a press release making clear that Mrs McCann had not consented and does not consent to the publication of her diary or of any extracts from it.
Press Release
Kate McCann Diary
22 September 2008
On 14 September 2008, the News of the World published substantial, “exclusive” extracts from the diary kept by Kate McCann at the time her daughter, Madeleine, was abducted.
In fact, Mrs McCann did not consent to the publication of this deeply personal, private material and only learned of what had happened after the newspaper had been published.
The News of the World assures Mrs McCann, and she accepts, that it acted in good faith and had no wish to invade her privacy or cause distress. The newspaper immediately removed the article from its website, has published a full apology for its error and has agreed to make a donation to be used by Mrs McCann in the search for her missing daughter.
Mrs McCann wishes to make clear that she had not consented and does not consent to the publication of her diary or of any extracts from it. As such, in the event that her wishes in this regard are not respected, she will immediately take appropriate action in order to protect her rights
All enquires should be addressed to Adam Tudor ([email protected]) or Isabel Martorell.
Tel: (+44) 207 353 5005
Mrs McCann was represented in this matter by Adam Tudor and Stevie Loughrey