Sheikh Rashid Ghannouchi, leader of the Tunisian opposition party An Nahda and prominent Islamic scholar, has won £61,000 in libel damages against the Editor and Publisher of the London-based Arabic daily newspaper, Al Arab. Sheikh Ghannouchi was also granted an injunction prohibiting further publication of Al Arab’s allegations.

Press Release

Rashid Ghannouchi of the Tunisian An Nahda Party Wins Libel Case Against Al Arab Newspaper

21 March 2003

Sheikh Rashid Ghannouchi, leader of Tunisian opposition party An Nahda, was today awarded £61,000 in libel damages by a jury in the High Court in London against the Editor and Publisher of London-based Arabic daily Al Arab.

The newspaper had wrongly claimed that Sheikh Ghannouchi and An Nahda were linked to Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. The large award reflected the seriousness and wholly untrue nature of Al Arab’s allegations.

Sheikh Ghannouchi said of his court win: “I am delighted that my name has been cleared so conclusively. An Nahda and I have consistently opposed all forms of violence and have always advocated peaceful and democratic methods as the only legitimate means of achieving political goals. Indeed, An Nahda was among the first organisations to condemn the September 11th atrocities.”

Mr Justice Gray imposed an injunction prohibiting further publication of Al Arab’s allegations. Al Arab was refused permission to appeal the verdict.

Any further enquiries are to be directed to Cameron Doley.

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