Sir Martin Sorrell has won his action for libel and invasion of privacy in respect of a defamatory blog and a highly offensive jpeg. The cases settled 10 days into trial with Sir Martin Sorrell receiving the sum of £120,000 in damages and his co-Claimant in the privacy action, Daniela Weber, the sum of £30,000 for invasion of privacy.
Statement in Open Court
Sir Martin Sorrell -v- FullSix SPA & Others
28 March 2007
FullSix Spa, FullSix SAS, Marco Benatti and Marco Tinelli repeat their acceptance that the allegations complained of in the blogs in the libel action are untrue and that the emails which are the subject matter of the privacy action infringe the claimants’ privacy. For his part, Sir Martin Sorrell acknowledges that Mr Benatti and Mr Tinelli have given assurances that they were not personally responsible and he is not pursuing his complaint that Mr Benatti or Mr Tinelli were responsible.
Joint statement on behalf of both parties, read by Desmond Browne QC
Sir Martin and Ms Weber were represented by Mark Thomson and Antonia Foster